A. Boudjellal, K. Abed-Meraim (IEEE Fellow)
Title: On the Use of Side Information to Improve Target Localization
Tutorial 1:
Target localization techniques, especially those based on array processing, have gained considerable attention over the last decades. The need for target localization arises in many engineering applications including Sonar, Radar, biomedicine, radio astronomy, seismology, navigation & tracking and strategic defense operations, etc. Recently, there is renewed interest in target localization techniques due to the emergence of new wireless communication systems e.g. MIMO and massive MIMO systems.
Localization can be performed with high performance in the case where the received source signals are with relatively large angular separation. In the more challenging scenarios, i.e., when small number of sensors is used giving birth to a relatively poor resolution array beam, additional information about source signals should be used to fulfill the target localization performance.
Accurate target localization can be performed thanks to prior side information about the source signals generated or reflected by the targets of interest, e.g. statistical independence, stationarity, non Gaussianity, cyclo-stationarity, sparsity, non-circularity and a partial knowledge of the transmitted signals (pilots) as in telecommunications systems.
When properly used, these statistical or geometrical properties, can lead to a performance improvement in terms of localization accuracy and resolution which are theoretically quantified using the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) and the Statistical Resolution Limit (SRL).
In this Tutorial, based on these statistical tools (i.e. CRB and SRL), the impact of the above-mentioned side information on target localization performance (i.e. accuracy and resolvability) is examined, especially for challenging contexts (i.e. closely spaced targets, small number of sensors, some sources are hidden in the shadow of others, etc.).
Professor Mohamed Bourennane
Title: Quantum Information: Quantum Sensing and Quantum Imaging
Tutorial 2:
The interdisciplinary field of quantum information processing and communication connects quantum mechanics, photonics, electronics with information theory and computer science at its deepest level to achieve feats in information and communication that are impossible with classical methods. This fusion has led to new concepts such as the qubit and quantum teleportation, and new applications, such as quantum cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum imaging, and quantum computing.
In sensing and metrology, the goal is to achieve unprecedented sensitivity, accuracy, and resolution in measurement and diagnostics, by coherently manipulating quantum objects and to overcome limits of classical methods sensing by means of suitable quantum states and quantum devices. In my talk, I will introduce the quantum mechanics features such as superpositions and entanglement. Then, I will present quantum devices: single photon and entanglement sources and single photon detectors. I review novel quantum-enabled applications: Low intensity signal detection, range finding, quantum radar, and quantum imaging.